Partnering Agencies


Partnering Agencies

  • Department of Human Assistance - Provides temporary cash assistance for needy families, employment services, child care referrals and resources, transportation, and supportive services if approved.
  • Asian Resources, Inc. – On-the-Job training, employment services, financial assistance for training, case management.
  • Department of Child Support Services – Assists in modifying child support orders, offers options for reducing arrears balances, enforce family law judgments/divorce orders, provide outreach to community organizations, other agencies, high schools and adult schools.
  • AARP – Work training program for those individuals 55 or older, assessment of skills, temporary on the job training, participants work 20 hours a week and paid at least the minimum wage.
  • SCUSD Head Start – Part day Head Start for low income families, party day State Preschool for families with higher income, Home base program for families with transportation barriers, Teen Mom program centers in Sacramento area, home visitors, and some After School Programs available.
  • Sacramento Training Employment Program (STEP) – Offers case management for WIA clients who fall under these categories: dislocated workers, displaced homemakers, youth 18-21 whose income or parent’s income is under $6,000 in the last six months, adults with multiple barriers to employment.
  • SETA - Job posting service, customized recruitment events, applicant screening services, job fairs, skills assessment, business services, labor market information, customized training programs, tax credits, on-the-job training, disability program navigator services, job seeker services, One Stop Career Center Services, etc.
  • Sacramento Works Youth Challenge Program – Provides intensive re-entry services to juvenile parolees and probationers released from secure facilities in Sacramento County.
  • Sacramento Works Youth Navigator Program – Goal to expand and enhance the access of employment and academic opportunities for youth in transition, provides services to 90 youth ages 16-21 who reside in Sacramento County, youth with disabilities, including emancipating foster youth, and youth that are on probation.
  • CIMC - Training, employment, and youth employment services (14-21 years old), promotes community self-help programs and direct services to American Indian population, provides economic development services, emergency food and shelter services, childcare services, services for unemployed, underemployed and low-income families.
  • Washoe Native TANF – Career development training and education assistance, wellness and prevention through family development courses, youth services program, life skills training, child care assistance, resources and referral, cash assistance to needy families.
  • Army National Guard – Recruitment, sign-on bonuses, educational incentives, offers technical training that employers are looking for.
  • Employment Development Department – California Training Benefits Program allows eligible California Unemployment Insurance claimants who lack competitive job skills to receive their UI benefits while attending an approved training/retraining program, assists with job search and registration on Cal Jobs.
  • Bach Viet - Provides free employment and support services for refugees and asylees living in Sacramento County.
  • Calpro – California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project